Do you wonder why all geeks go nuts When she, to the music, shakes butts Network groupy for fun But you know what’s the pun Only packets can date peering sluts Originally presented at RIPE43
Do you wonder why all geeks go nuts When she, to the music, shakes butts Network groupy for fun But you know what’s the pun Only packets can date peering sluts Originally presented at RIPE43
Bits of octopus, prawns, and dead sheep All piled on a plate in a heap A huge bowl of stew And a cask of wine too Just to write it all down was a feat Originally presented at RIPE43
Oh horror! IP version 6 is seen And Doomesday looms much closer than we thought Two thousand ten, September, seventeen The AS free pool number drops to nought. A brief respite, some light relief we see The glorious 4 byte …
We learnt about MPLS And how to make networks a mess Every new VPN gives your NOC staff fits, when, A fault fix gets harder to guess Originally contributed at RIPE40
IPv6 may be techno-babble And misunderstood by the rabble But when all’s said and done ‘Z’ only scores one In a regular game of Czech scrabble originally contributed at RIPE40
Below are the lyrics to the RIPE55-SONG, sung to the melody of “American Pie” by Don McLean. Words and performance by Gary Feldman a long long time ago i can still remember when my laptop could connect elsewhere and i tell …